Official Bankruptcy Court Records

& Archived Bankruptcy Case Information

U.S. Records / Bankruptcy Division

Non - Bankruptcy Background search with Certificate -

Individual - (50 States / all districts) $75
Compliant for foreign trade agreements, 5.9.20 Non-Bankruptcy Insolvencies, in conjunction with Due Diligence reports.

U.S. Records/Bankruptcy Division, Service Center hours are 9 A.M.- 5 P.M. M-F (EST)

​After providing the required information on the application form (below), all results matching the search criteria will be retrieved, verified, then searched on the United States National Bankruptcy and Insolvency database, for Voluntary and Involuntary bankruptcy filings. Once search is complete, a certificate will be issued and provided for proof in the applicant's individual name, to the recipient of the request. Bankruptcy background search orders are processed, then emailed to you within 48-72 hours. *Rush is available upon request.

For verifying the Non-Bankruptcy Certificate; the Reference Number is printed on the certificate, and will be required for validation, when calling (202) 539-1777 option 3. 

bankruptcy paperwork