Official Bankruptcy Court Records & Bankruptcy Case Information

U.S. Records / Bankruptcy Division

The Schedules / List of Creditors package Includes: The Bankruptcy Schedules D,E,F, are the schedules that contain the creditors that were included in the bankruptcy, along with the account number's and dollar amount owed to each creditor. The Discharge/Dismissal Records are also included in this package. The documents are the official documents filed by the Trustee assigned to your case, or the Attorney at the time of the bankruptcy filing. If you need schedules A-J, or amended schedules, (creditors added after the initial filing), the Complete File would need to be ordered.

This package is what is needed for credit reporting errors, & proof for debt collectors trying to collect on old debt. 

Prices are quoted for personal bankruptcy files. All Business, Corporation, LLC, or DBA bankruptcy case filings as well as Adversary cases can be ordered by calling the Service Center at (800) 988-2448 9am-5 pm, Monday-Friday (excluding legal holidays). 


Schedules D,E,F & Discharge Records - $35

bankruptcy paperwork